About Us
Though different, we compliment each other and share the same core values: we believe that small businesses are the heart and soul of local communities. So while on the surface we love nothing more than providing our buyers' beautiful homes with beautifully-crafted (and often colourful) pieces, we'd like to do so while continuing to support key local players – and smaller ones at that.
We also believe in the importance of home. If the past few years has taught us anything, it's that our home should bring us a sense of physical and emotional comfort. In decorating our home, we anchor our identity into it, which allows us to create a nourishing place where we can thrive and flourish, but also relax and unwind.
Through Kireina, we hope to share a piece of our joy and love for all things whimsical, playful and beautifully designed – from our home, to yours <3